- PRK型非防爆配电柜
加工定制:是 额定电流:400 A 短路关合电流:10 KA 壳体防护等级:IP54 IP55 外形尺寸:待定 mm 外壳材质:钢板 型号:PRK PRK型非防爆配电柜 PRK Type Non-explosion proof Power Panel 1.产品型号 General Description 2.产品简介 Product Brief Introduction PRK 型配电柜为钢板壳体 , 供非防爆场所电伴热产品配电用。配电柜具有过载、短路和漏电保护,分单相和三相二类,输出 1~8 路。控温形式分数显温控仪和 BJW 型温控器两种。 The shell body of PRK type power panel is made of steel plate.It is used for power supply in safe area.The panel has the protection function of overload,short circuit and power leakage, There are two categories of single phase and three-phase, with output of 1-8 circuits. There are two kinds of temperature controlling:thermal resiastance type with digital display and BJW type.
3.产品技术主要参数 Product Main Technical Parameters 名称 name 单相户内(外)非防爆配电柜 Single phaseIndoor and Outdoornon-explosion proof power panel 三相户内(外)非防爆配电柜 Three Phase Indoor and Outdoor non-Explosion proofpower panel 项目 ltem 型号 Type PRK-2/1~8N(W)L(G)X PRK-3/1~8N(W)L(G)X 额定电压 Rated Voltage 单相220V或二相380V Single Phase 220V or 380V 三相380V或660V Three Phase 380V or 660V 额定电源 Rated Power 每路15A~80A 15A~80Aper circuit 每路15A~80A 15A~80A per circuit 绝缘电阻 Insulation Resistance ≥2MΩ 防护等级 Ingress protection 户内型:IP40; Indoor: 户外型:IP54; Outdoor: